Wednesday, December 24, 2008

After working through my deep depression about being a senior in college (i thought id be so much more enlightened by now) and an official twenty something (21 is the new 16), i finally decided to carpe diem a little more yada yada yada (youve never heard that before) and aim for a 91 on a test not a 102 (both get you that 4.0 baby) tempered with a more active life existing outside the pages of a book (its not the quality of experience its the quantity). didnt emerson say something about that in an american scholar? now would be an appropriate time for a quote but... i made a 91 on that test.

so here is a list of things i have been doing/found interest in while im not studying:

Twilight- The Book, The Movie, The Concept....
I must have an addictive personality because I am constantly finding new- strange- obsessions. This currently tops my list. Guys, I am an English Major, I take a lot of Film classes, I am a theatre major--- This movie Sucks. The screenplay- atrocious. Then again it comes straight from the book----the most poorly written (slash) structured (slash) portioned book i have ever read (get to the point stephanie meyers- we get it. shes clumsy). But honestly, after a Thoreau overdose and a little too much WB Yeats (the terrible beauty) I could not put it down (literally, i even read it during finals week, hell i read that book in the shower). Needing a little validation for my secretive and embarassing literary interests, I went to my playwriting teacher a man with the countenance and wisdom of professor dumbledore, in fact if he ever grew a three foot beard i would simply cheer. or perhaps like bella swan, just faint. (edward kisses bella: and meyers actually wrote this: "''" gross me out) Yet i asked him

me: Professor Dumbl---I mean Jones, I need to entrust you with my deepest darkest secret that you in your great playwriting and theatrical wisdom might disect my escapist tendancies for bs pulp fiction when I could be reading FAUST!

Dumbledore- Yesssss


(And though it would be more interesting if he said something like, "well why do you belieeeeeve you like Twilight my young padawon" He said this which i will share with all the world:)

Dumble- becuase it is credible. because it is interesting.

Me- But it sucks! I am embarrassed! I may be mentally ill

Dumble- ahh Yes (in infinite wisdom) but what lesson does this reveal to you my little playwriting apprentice (whose play happens to be worse that stephanie meyers dreams but i would never tell you that)

Me- that form can never kill content!

Dumble- (infinately wise) Indeed.

Me- But i even read it in the shower! (no really)

Dum- just dont say that outloud

read it, you will love it , and when you feel stupid, just remember, dumbledore thinks youre okayu

My next odd obsession tomorrow