Wednesday, September 24, 2008

just updating for the sake of it, no big anecdotes or news. sitting in my room trying to think of everything i can do not to study for a colonial lit test. william bradford i have read you too many times to count.
i have decided to start doing yoga classes and find my inner chi

also! excited because a filmed version of rent the musical is coming to our movie theatres this weekend, and only for two weekends! so i am going to go see it.

and im fretting. m roomate is going to florence next semester and i dont know who i am going to live with! i am hoping its someone nice. i would hate to deal with roomate drama that last semester.

thats all, time to study


Nanc said...

Glad you're updating even when you have "nothing" to say. I always check!

Lots of love,

Fasha said...

speak of the confinement.